Make your practice more efficient and productive.
Manage your documents in the cloud, so you have one place for your team to work together – from anywhere. Loaded with functionality to help you automate processes and manage volumes of routine work, with FYI you will spend less time on admin and more time adding real value to your clients.
It’s not often we endorse products, but we’re making the exception for FYI. 100% in the cloud, you get the very best in document management with FYI – but also process automation, which is the real game changer. I’ve known CEO and Founder, Rob Cameron, for more than 20 years and am yet to see another software vendor come close to what FYI has achieved to date!
Special offer for Smithink members
Get access to FYI’s full feature set for six months at a special discounted rate.
For an investment of only $30 per user per month, you will be bumped up to FYI’s Pro plan for six months and get the full benefits from using FYI in your practice.
Offer available for a limited time only.
For an investment of only $30 per user per month, you will be bumped up to FYI’s Pro plan for six months and get the full benefits from using FYI in your practice.
Offer available for a limited time only.
Take your practice into the Cloud. And never look back.
Proven return on investment
Save 2+ hours per fee earner on every compliance job. And that’s just the beginning.
Easy onboarding with zero downtime
Migrate your data and go live in as little as four weeks. FYI makes moving to the Cloud look easy.
Bulletproof and futureproof your practice
FYI was born in the Cloud with enterprise-grade security and reliability exceeding 99.99%.
Powering more than 600 leading accounting firms across Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
Want to find out more?
Enter your email address below, and the FYI team will be in touch to arrange a demo so you can see FYI in action.