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January 2022: What’s New and Improved

We’ve kicked 2022 off with the release of two great new features!
Categories are now available for Tasks, allowing you to identify and manage high priority tasks at an individual level, by client or job, and even practice-wide.
Also new, is the ability to create and edit Custom Fields for Clients and Jobs – giving you instant access to the most up to date information to use in FYI for filtering and in automations. No more waiting for a sync!
And we’ve been busy with enhancements throughout the platform – from search and retrieval tools, to task management, automations and more.
February 2022: What’s New and Improved

Our latest course in Learn has been released – Getting Started as an FYI Admin. Designed to help you set up FYI to suit your practice, it covers cabinets and categories, users and user groups, and practice wide settings.
Need to know the who has made a change to a client or job, and when? The new Activity tabs in your workspaces act as an audit log, keeping track changes.
And our System Status page has had a face-lift! Display the status of our key services, by region, and subscribe to receive status updates to a Microsoft Teams channel of your choice. A great way to stay up to date!
March 2022: What’s New and Improved

Want to get started as a new admin, or just brush up your skills? This month, we’ve released new course material in Learn that’s just for you.
You’ll also find new Custom User Roles for emails, so there’s no limits on who can send your client emails, and the ability to split automations so you can send emails to clients and vary the content, say for different locations.
And a whole lot more.
April 2022: What’s New and Improved

This month has seen the release of AutoComplete Tasks – a great new tool to use in your automations. For example, a task can now be set to auto-complete when the status of a document has updated to “Client Signed”. A great little time-saver! Bulk Update can now be used to update multiple Client Custom Fields. Use it to apply a current date on mass, or to set a specific date and update your client’s lodgement due dates in a flash. Plus you’ll find improvements to Email Signatures – now easier to personalise, with more formatting options.
May 2022: What’s New and Improved

This month we released Workflow Jobs – a game changing feature for practices using Annual Billing Jobs in XPM. This allows you to monitor and track your XPM Tasks using the full suite of jobs functionality within FYI. Business Structure can now be displayed as a column in your clients list. Use it to sort and filter your clients – and to run automations – like sending bulk email communications to your clients based on their business structure. And we’ve welcomed PDFit to the FYI family, so you can edit PDFs in the cloud rather than saving PDF documents to your desktop.
New Workflow Jobs for practices integrating with Xero Practice Manager

This great new feature turbo-boosts your ability to manage workflows in FYI!
If your practice has annual billing jobs set up in Xero Practice Manager, your XPM tasks will now sync through to FYI as Workflow Jobs, providing new ways to monitor and track XPM Tasks and Jobs.
- Get quick access to XPM tasks assigned to any XPM billing job, without leaving FYI
- Track workflow for each interim piece of work, and update budgets and job states on the fly
- Bulk update job details such as start date, due date or any custom fields
- Apply custom user roles to assign responsibilities and improve transparency
There’s no need for double entry – all info is readily available in both FYI and XPM.
And this is where the fun really begins…. Workflow Jobs can be used in automations to help manage workloads and save you time. Auto-send outstanding work reminders, auto-create documents for job kick off, and a whole lot more!
Managing workflows in FYI has never been easier!
New Features Round-Up: November 2019

It’s been a busy couple of months at FYI! We’ve been onboarding new practices every day, and our dev team continues to roll out new features and improvements to the platform at a cracking pace.
Read on to learn more about some of our latest time-saving features:
- Automatically record XPM time from the emails, documents and client interactions recorded in FYI
- Use the FYI Drawer from within Excel to cross link supporting source documents
- Powerful full text search on the contents of emails
- Move seamlessly between Groups, Clients and Jobs with the new Group workspace and navigation
- Build smart email signatures that can be leveraged across the practice
- Our exciting beta release, Custom Processes and an update on Tax Assessments!
We also have two live webinars this month – the first in a new masterclass series helping clients get the most from FYI, and a live webinar, co-hosted by Xero and FYI, for practices contemplating moving from a desktop practice suite to the cloud. There’s still time to register at the links above.
Record XPM time without leaving FYI
Our new timesheet feature allows you to automatically record XPM time from within FYI. Timesheets are pre-populated, making it quick and easy to complete all your daily tasks without leaving FYI.
We estimate that this exciting new feature will deliver a time saving of 15 minutes or more per user each day!
- Create timesheets from the FYI Drawer – Select any document in FYI to open the drawer and Create a Time Sheet record. Relevant information will be pre-populated to make the process quick and easy.
- View time from your FYI Dashboard – View a total of hours recorded on any individual day or access more detail as required.
- Take the pain out of time recording – View My Recent documents for a handy record of emails, client interactions and documents you’ve worked on in recent days. Select one and record your time. It’s that easy!
Improved Email Workflow and New Smart Signatures
- Email Workflow – We’ve fixed some issues regarding draft emails to allow teams to collaborate on emails prior to sending. Draft emails created from FYI will now be available for editing and sending from a new, auto-created Outlook folder “FYI – Drafts” for each user. This improvement makes it easy for teams to work together, ensuring only the best quality emails are sent to clients!
- Email Signatures – You can now create a single practice-wide email signature that, through the use of merge fields, can be applied to any users in your team! Learn more about setting up your email stationery in our upcoming Masterclass on Optimising Stationery and Templates.
New features making search and retrieval more powerful
- Full text search on emails – Search the body of emails from any FYI document list. Simply turn on Search Email Contents and now any text you type into the search field will search any word within the emails.
- New document views – To speed up your searching further we’ve released a number of best-practice default views which teams can leverage from anywhere in FYI. Simply click the view drop-down when searching for documents and pick your favourite view. You can, of course, still create your own custom views.
- Doclink from within Excel – Using the FYI drawer from within Excel, you can now utilise FYI’s powerful search and retrieval functionality to locate and link documents. This makes the process of attaching supporting workpapers to a spreadsheet quick and easy.
- New workspace and views for Client Groups – Traverse seamlessly from Group to Client to Job and back again, to assist with the constant switching in context required throughout your day. This ensures the info you need is always easily accessible and provides additional insights across the Client group.
Custom Processes now in beta & Tax Assessments coming soon…
Custom processes will allow you to develop bespoke automated workflows unique to your practice. Some examples, might include:
- Setting-up processes to automatically create emails, documents, or tasks (or a combination of all three) on certain dates or triggers.
- Automate recurring tasks
- Automate bulk email processes
These examples are really just the beginning of what is possible!
- Our friends at Xero Tax have been busy finalising their Tax Assessment service which is a precursor to FYI Tax Assessments.
- This has been released early to FYI clients to lay down the framework and as a bonus for being part of the FYI Community
- We expect to release a beta version of our Tax Assessment Automation within the next 3 weeks
New Features Round-Up: August 2019

New features and product enhancements have been coming thick and fast over the last couple of months, and we’re not slowing down in the slightest! Upcoming releases include integration with Adobe Sign, Custom Processes and the long-awaited Tax Assessments.
Read on to learn more about:
- exciting new integrations with industry-leading apps, including BGL and NowInfinity
- new merge fields creating even more possibilities to create powerful templates
- new Knowledge cabinets
- new features making team collaboration even easier
- enhancements making task management more intuitive
New Integrations With BGL, NowInfinity And More
- FYI integrates with industry-leading apps across the practice ecosystem to enable an ever-expanding range of powerful process automations. Our new integrations with BGL and NowInfinity facilitate automatic daily import and filing of new documents within your client files in FYI.
- An Administrator can activate your connection to these apps and configure the settings for your practice via the Automation dashboard.
- The Client workspace now features a dedicated tab for Corporate Affairs. This provides a snapshot of the lodgement status of ASIC annual reviews, with single-click access to the specific document within BGL or NowInfinity.
New Merge Fields For Email And Word Templates
Process automation is only possible if the individual steps that make up the process can be completed automatically themselves. For this reason we have extended the range of merge fields that can be used to auto-create documents such as letters and emails. Examples include:
- Author Role – By assigning a role to each User (entered as free text) and adding the merge code “AuthorRole” to your templates, roles such as Director, Partner, Accountent etc can be added to sign-off emails and documents.
- Reference Number – Any inbound or outbound email is allocated a unique reference number for tracking purposes. If a client raises a query on any email, your team will be able to locate it and respond immediately.
- Custom Fields – If you have set up Custom Fields in Xero Practice Manager, these can also be used as Merge fields in your email and document templates in FYI.
New Knowledge Cabinets
Knowledge is an area dedicated to the storage of Practice Templates and non-client documents such as Policies and Procedures to boost productivity and client service.
- Search for Email and Word Templates that have been set up for your practice.
- Create additional Tabs to hold useful resources or reference documents for your team.
- Add and edit templates (this can only be done by an FYI administrator or by Users in a User Group that has been Administer Templates enabled).
Enhancements For Team Collaboration
New features designed to make team collaboration in a thriving accounting practice even easier:
- View Sent Documents – Use the new Sent filter to display the date and time documents were sent to or received from Clients. This acts as a mail register, also recording delivery method such as postal service, courier or email, and important details like reference ID.
- Share Your In Tray – Delegate un-filed documents in your In Tray to another user using the Share tab in My Settings. This may be useful, for example, if you wish to nominate someone else to check, file and/or delete documents in your In Tray on your behalf.
- View Documents as Read Only – Open one or more documents in FYI as read only without locking them from edit access by other users. Simply select a document and click the Read button in the tool bar, or use the Preview tab in the Drawer.
- Staple Documents – Staple documents together, for example, to create a record of them being sent together, or to collate a group of documents for internal review. The “Stapled” link in the FYI Drawer opens a dynamic filter of the documents that have been stapled together.
More Powerful Task Management
We’ve recently added some new enhancements making managing Tasks in FYI more intuitive
- Use Bulk Update to change the Due Date and/or Status of multiple tasks in a list
- For those practices wanting to be job-centric, tasks can now be categorised to the job they relate to.
- Customise your task lists by adding or removing columns to change which details display and saving as a Custom View.
We’re excited to be a key app partner at Xerocon in Brisbane next week. If you’re attending, come and say hi! You’ll find us at stand 48 right outside the Main Stage in Great Hall. We are running live demos of the FYI platform on the hour.
New Features Round-Up: May 2019

Some great new features this month including improvements that make finding information in FYI even easier, automatic user alerts within automations and two new integrations in beta – digital signatures using DocuSign and Zapier.
Enhanced Integration With XPM Jobs
Jobs displays a list of all jobs synched with Xero Practice Manager, allowing teams to track progress at a group, client and job level. View the state of a Job (as recorded in XPM), as well as estimated, actual and variance time allocations. You can even maintain the XPM job status from within FYI and add commentary as required.
Use Custom Views To Save Any Search Criteria
Views are used in FYI to manipulate lists of documents, tasks and jobs. Custom views allow administrators to save any preferred layout for a list and make it available for all users across the practice. This can be used to save any search criteria as well as column order and filters.
Enable Sticky Views To Find Information Even Faster
Activating Sticky Views in FYI will ensure that list views selected by users are applied by default across all lists for the remainder of the session. This makes accessing information even faster.
Automatic Notification Of FYI’s Process Automations
FYI Automations work silently in the background, saving you time on repetitive tasks every day by importing, filing and changing documents on your behalf. Get alerted when process automations have occurred by creating Comments that can be defined and triggered as part of the automated process.
DocuSign Integration – IN BETA
FYI’s direct integration with DocuSign allows you to send documents directly to your clients for electronic signature. Create signature requests for single or multiple documents. Requests are automatically addressed, and when signed, documents are automatically imported and the workflow status is updated.
Zapier Integration – IN BETA
Zapier moves information between the world’s leading web apps with automated workflows called Zaps, helping to build processes faster. FYI’s integration with Zapier enables an endless variety of automations, beginning with automatic importing and filing of documents from apps such as OneDrive, Dropbox and Practice Ignition into FYI.
Once an FYI Administrator has connected FYI to your Zapier account, you can set up Zaps for the apps you want to connect with FYI. Simply get your FYI access keys for Zapier, connect to Zapier using this beta link, login to your Zapier account to accept the invitation from FYI, and you will be able to start building your Zaps.
These last two features are still in beta. Please send a request to if you would like to start using them.
What’s Next?
Looking forward, our development team is focused on the upcoming release of assessment automation in June and the launch of NowInfinity integration. Stay tuned……
New Features Round-Up: April 2019

We are delighted to announce another significant set of features have been added FYI over the last fortnight. Highlights include FYI’s version of a client portal (including e-signatures), XPM jobs embedded within FYI and the automatic filing of email attachments!
Introducing FYI’s New Job Workspace
We’ve made navigating FYI even more intuitive with the addition of a new dedicated workspace for Jobs. File your documents to an XPM job, making search and retrieval of relevant information even faster. Each job includes a summary of key data from XPM and a list of relevant documents and tasks. Read More…
A Powerful Way To Collaborate With Your Clients On Sensitive Documents
Rather than attaching sensitive documents to emails, you can now share information securely via OneDrive (which is available with every Office 365 subscription). Future development will deliver similar integration with other client friendly platforms such as DropBox. Read More…
Seamless Integration With DocuSign
FYI now integrates seamlessly with the market-leading app, DocuSign. Documents signed by clients are automatically imported into FYI, updating the original with the signed copy and updating the workflow status. Our degree of integration with DocuSign and other apps such as Adobe Sign will increase in the future.
Saving Office Documents Into FYI Is Now Even Easier
We’ve made it easy to file any document originally created in Word, Excel or Powerpoint into FYI. Read More…
Now FYI Can Auto-File Your Email Attachments Too!
Email attachments can now be automatically filed as separate documents within FYI based on the filing rules of the underlying email. This option can be enabled across your practice via the Email AutoFile process on FYI’s automation dashboard. Read More…
Join Our FYI Masterclass On Thursday, 18th April
Due to the significance of the features recently released, we are hosting an online webinar to help ensure all our users are getting the most out of FYI. This presentation will be done as a MasterClass introducing each new feature and demonstrating how to implement it effectively within your practice.
What’s Next?
Looking forward, our development team is focused on further integration with XPM jobs, integrating with industry leading app partners and, as always, increasing the number of automations available to our users. We’re particularly excited about the upcoming release of assessment automation in May. Stay tuned…….