Onboarding with FYI – from Desktop to Digital
Making the switch
We understand the daunting feeling when looking at 20 years’ worth of files, all stored, labelled and dusty, waiting for the inevitable audit of one of your biggest clients. Or trying to figure out which program or database you put that one little folder in 3 years ago.
It’s such a mammoth task that many firms won’t make the switch for fear of wasting time and money on the wrong platforms and software.
But FYI is a platform for every kind of accountancy firm. We have tailored support and onboarding guidance for everyone’s needs, and our goal is to half the time it takes on repetitive and fiddly tasks, making your job easier.
We devised a 6-step process, for any and all accountancies who are thinking of making the switch to FYI.
Kick off meeting
Don’t worry, this meeting won’t feel like the first day of school. However, we will start to map out a timeline for going live. We will also talk to you about the next steps for training.We recommend you nominate a team who will lead your training activities pre-live.
Admin courses and inhouse learning
This step is completed throughout all the other stages. Nominated champions in your practice will be given custom and well-rounded courses on how FYI works. They will be taught how to integrate it into your practice. Eventually, every member of your practice will undertake these learning courses but with 4 weeks till Go Live day, we start with the admins.
Mapping meetings
Your FYI consultant will start setting up a filing structure, this will involve the migration of data and the syncing of documents from your previous system. Sounds hard? Well don’t worry, our team are professional specialists.
No need to be coy about the state of your current system, we’ve seen it all before. We will work with you and make sure everything is sorted comfortably with your unique specifications.

Configuration to your practice
The FYI team will set up your practice letterhead and email signature for you. We will then work through our configuration checklist, setting up the templates and automation instructions according to your preferences. The range of flexibility and customisation is quite extensive but we will review and work together in running through some important choices.
- Change default views so you can search for documents in ways that suit your practice.
- Check the setup of your Jobs Board and the way you’d like your job States to be displayed.
- Set up user authorisation levels for Workflow approvals.
- Set up and configure Collaborate so you can share documents securely with your clients.
- Connect FYI to your favourite apps.
The full checklist can be found here.
We encourage admins to actively participate in this process as you may need to modify your settings later on. To support your learning, we provide a variety of e-learning resources for you to explore. Additionally, we are always available to address any questions you may have.
Once this is finished, your settings will be ready for Go Live Day.
Final Checkpoint
During the final week, dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s is a little different to paper. For FYI this means a review of migrated documents, setting up post-migration admins and finalising the custom set-up of your practice.
It’s time to train the rest of your team. All appropriate learning resources will be made available to all users. E-learning can be done at their own pace, but overall it won’t take more than 3 hours.
Go Live
By this point all staff are trained and 100 percent of documents are migrated ready for lift off!
On day one the onboarding consultant will take your team through ‘A Day in the Life of a FYI Accountant’ touching on all the functionality of FYI to further support the E-Leanring courses.
Our support team will always be available for questions and advice even once every member of your practice is telling all their friends what a great decision FYI was.
And the crowd goes wild, get ready for the encore!
Six weeks later, when you’re fully immersed in the wonders of FYI, we will check in to make sure you are all on track and achieving your desired outcomes. Our goal? To ensure you’re still on cloud nine, saving valuable time and achieving results.
The team here at FYI are more than happy to answer any questions or refer you to other practices that have undergone an onboarding with us.